




I truly hope to inspire others to create fun messy projects with me. Thank you for coming to see what adventure is in store in the home today that I can share with you!

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Deck correct, is correct my friends! My back was in horrible shape and the color was nothing like the rest of the house. After many questions and requests to see the back deck with my tiny little shed that looks like a barn. I decided to give the deck a makeover and share the space. […]

Did someone say Deck Correct?

Over the weekend I was working on a fun DIY for Lowe’s #buildthanks campaign. The campaign was to use things from around your home to create a DIY to say thank you to the essential and frontline workers. I have been waiting to have some sort of greenhouse and why not create that for this! […]

DIY Tiny Window Greenhouse

Gallery walls are a fun way to fill a space when you want to layer a room. As many of you know I recently took the center wall piece from the guest bedroom for the mirror in the guest bedroom. Which meant’t that I needed a statement piece because, it is the first space you […]

Layered Gallery Wall

Spring cleaning is one of my favorite tasks, crazy right? One thing about spring cleaning is that you get to have new organizing tools. This spring, I have teamed up with Wayfair to get organized with their new products. There are many spots in my home that need a spring refresh because, let’s be really honest; […]

Spring Cleaning with Wayfair

  Vintage Pickin’ is one of my favorite hobbies! There are such great pieces that are just waiting for us vintage lovers to pick up and take home! So many times my friends ask how did I found a piece or where did I get that piece? Well friends, I am here to share my […]

Vintage Pickin’ Tips

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