Vintage Pickin’ is one of my favorite hobbies! There are such great pieces that are just waiting for us vintage lovers to pick up and take home! So many times my friends ask how did I found a piece or where did I get that piece? Well friends, I am here to share my 6 favorite tips on how I go vintage pickin’! These tips are your guide on what I use to find those unique pieces that are in my home.
My first tip is to make sure you know what local antique stores are in your area. Many times often than not, we may over look some of the smaller local antique stores but, those are ones that you want to pick! The smaller shops do not always see as much traffic as the well known malls or stores. This means that their booths are not always picked through.
Tip number two! Each month I look through Instagram and Facebook to see if there is any local markets or estate sales that are happening for the month. I normally can find some that are within and hour of my home. These are places that most of the time you will find some amazing vintage goodies for dirt cheap.
Now on to tip number three! Always dig! What does that mean you ask? When you see a booth or a spot looks like a hot mess express, you must dive in! These are the spots that I have found my best finds for such amazing prices!
Tip number four! Take time. Make sure when you’re at a market or even in a large store that you take the time to take a second look. This was such a huge part of learning how to vintage pick for me. I have learned over the years that when your at a market you have to do at least two walk throughs because good pieces like to hide. When a event first opens up the vendors’ booths are parked full with goodies but, sometimes you can not always see everything that is in the booth. Once people start shopping, things begin to space out in a booth and that opens up new items for your eyes to see!
Number five! Get to know the vendors. This is such a huge part of my vintage picking. I love getting to know the vendors because they are there to help you find great vintage pieces. Also they are amazing people and enjoy seeing how you style their pieces from their booth in your home! Finally they most likely know the story behind the piece that you are getting.
Last but, not least. Tip number six! Do not second guess yourself on whether or not you have some where for a piece that you are in love with and want to buy. In the past, I have done this too many times. I think oh no I have no where to put that piece. Then I get home and regret that I did not bring it home with me. My tip for this is that if you love it, get it! Then worry about where you are going to put it later.
I really am excited to share my tips for you on how I vintage pick. I hope that this will help you find those goodies! Plus sharing my favorite spots and booths with you! For another fun blog on vintage picking, head over to my friends at Vintage Society Co.! Thank you as always for stopping by the blog today, XOXO
Those are my lockers in your picture ???????????? makes my heart happy ❤️