WOW! That is the first words that come out of my mouth when I think; about everything I took away from the Haven Conference. Many fellow instagram friends, messaged me over the weekend asking what Haven was. I did do a blog post and touched on what Haven was on Wednesday but; I promised that I would share my experience with you in another post.
Well, here we go! What is the Haven Conference? That was the big question that I was asked over this past week. The Haven conference is a place that bloggers and influencers come out to take classes; network with brands, and finally meet your IG friends that you talk to each day but; finally you get to talk to them in person! Over the past week; I took many classes to help myself personally see what I needed to improve on to to better my blogging and my Instagram account.
Nobody is perfect and has it all figured out, we all can learn more! That was a statement that I heard oner this past week and have always strived to live by. Haven offers different types of classes from blogging to SEO; now that is one that is kinda a tricky one to figure out!
Throughout the two days of classes, I did have some really “oh why I am selling myself short moments”. When you are taking these classes that are offered to you; you getting different types of people teaching them to you! For example, you may be a Instagram Influencer Blogger and the person teaching the class has been a traditional blogger; for many many years. There is nothing wrong with what you are doing; or what they are doing, this world of social media has room all types of bloggers; or even just Instagram influencers. The main point that I did learn from taking a class from a blogger; was that there is five different ways to earn an income; from doing what you love!
When you are doing something that you LOVE; you can also treat that like it is your job; because seriously who would not want to have a job that they can truly say they love doing each day; right? I want to also have a job that I am passionate about and having this be presented to me; was such an eye opening experience. Now for the big lesson and what stuck dear to my heart that I took away from Haven was; never settle for something when your worth and your knowledge is worth so much more!
What do I mean by that? When you are putting your hard work and dedication into your content and getting your home just how you like it. never let anyone take advantage of you. Just because you are scared to have the talk about what you are worth! Everyone has a self worth and you need to make sure that you stand behind that!
This means if you have to turn down an opportunity because they did not want to see what you are worth, then do it! That company or person does not deserve to take advantage of you! That does not mean that every company or person that is out their in our influencer world; is like that but make sure you stand your ground and tell them what you are looking for with what they are offering! Stay true to yourself because when one door closes, three more open!
Now to the fun side of Haven! I will have to say although the classes taught me a huge moment change. The best part the whole experience was meeting face to face with those amazing IG friends. Those ones you talk to each day but can never just hug and have coffee with! Meeting these friends in person and just being able to give them a hug; was my absolute favorite part about Haven! I honestly felt like we had been friends for years and years; and we were just meeting up for our annual girls trip! While at Haven you are get to connect with your friends and brands throughout the entire conference. The best advice I can say that I received while at Haven; is to know your with and make sure you be true to yourself! Thank you and everyday for stopping by the blog, XOXO