




I truly hope to inspire others to create fun messy projects with me. Thank you for coming to see what adventure is in store in the home today that I can share with you!

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  This year for Valentine’s Day I wanted to try something fun and something new. I have never in my life created a charcuterie board but hey, there is a first time for everything. This whole idea started when Safe + Fair sent me their new granola and I wanted to share it in a […]

Simple Valentine’s Day Charcuterie Board

Christmas food can be so much fun with how creative we can make it. Creating a simple Christmas charcuterie board is a just this year. Almost two years ago I stepped into the kitchen to create a charcuterie board for the first time. I was a nervous wreck but, that was a fear and boy […]

Simple Christmas Charcuterie Board

Many times often then not we will push the uncomfortable things under the rug. This was what I use to do with charcuterie boards. The past few months I have tried to find a way to make these fun and style, not so much work. I think that I have finally figured out what works […]

Learning Fun Charcuterie Boards

dessert charcuterie board

Here comes Peter Cotton Tail…..that is the first song that pops in my head when I think of a fun Easter activity. This past weekend I did a fun Easter dessert charcuterie board that brought me back to my childhood memories for after Easter Sunday service. After church service on Easter we use to do […]

Easter Dessert Charcuterie Board

Easter Dessert Charcuterie Board

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