1. Tonya Campbell says:

    I really love the brick wall. I would really like to try this out. Can you be more specific on how you applied the joint compound?? I’ve never used it before. Application? Time to dry etc. thanks for sharing such a fun beautiful idea.

    • admin says:

      Hey! I will be glad to help you in anyway. The joint compound I scooped out a big chunk and just placed it at the bottom of the paneling and then I used a putty knife to spread it over the paneling until it filled the crack and there was a thin layer over the brick to turn white. Once the whole paneling was dry after about a day. I think lightly sanded the paneling to create that whitewash look. On the sanding part that is up to you how much of the brick you want to come through. I did heavy sanding in some parts and light sanding in others. Please let me know if I can help any further

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