Happy Day friends! When I started this journey with home decor blogging, I never expected to dap a little into home decor to travel blogger as well. Once my journey began I realized that I would be taking home decor on the road. What do I mean by that? Well, I knew it would get this question and that is why I wanted to talk about this first before diving into the reason behind this. Blogging with home decor has been amazing but, what comes hand in hand with home decor blogging….conferences. The are the extra fuel you need to help you slay your dreams!
What does this mean? Attending these social media conferences are beyond amazing and I have to say I love the support you gain from them. Not to mention all of the business opportunities! Conferences mean travel and why not share with you friends how I blend it all together and pack for these adventures. For the truth we all know that I am not an everyday travel blogger. This week I am heading out to one of the most amazing blogging/influencer conference there is each year. This being said I remember my very first Haven and what I would have wished I knew ahead of time.
I have put together a checklist and a few tips to help you get through this adventure to Haven with a lot less stress…I hope! Trust me the less stress you have going, the more fun you will have the moment you step into the conference walls. I can not wait to see all of your smiling faces there! Meeting everyone in real life is one of my favorite parts about Haven. I am going to share my five more helpful tips from my personal experience to Haven for the first time!
Below I am attaching a printable sheet for you, if you want to try the tips and write your goal of how to achieve that time.
Now for the other part that we always stress out about! That would be packing! Do not worry friend, I have one more printable sheet to help you with that! I know that this was one of the most stressful parts of my first trip to the Haven Conference. I put together my most wanted items of my first Haven. This made packing for the other trips to Haven way less stressful. I hope these help you as well!
Now we are both ready for Haven! I am so excited to head out on this adventure! Let me know what your thoughts are on this travel help and I may start charing more of these adventures. Share with me on here or Instagram or Pinterest. As always thank you for stopping by the blog today and everyday!